The sheet music I originally tried to give my student for this song was arranged by Ben McTier. However, if any part is very different from the song, please let me know and I might return to edit it at some point. Then, I continued by memory! I do like to think that I remembered most of it correctly. I had audio problems at the time I transcribed/arranged this based off of this Youtube video, so I listened to it once and a few parts more than once before the sound died. It does have the lyrics written in, because I think that makes it a bit nicer. I did not add any letter chords, because the student this is for might as well practice note-reading if we are going to use a simpler version. The limitation of trying to not make any octaves I think makes the sheet music less than it would have been, but it does make this more of “easy piano sheet music” than “sort of easy but you need to know these things first”.
This version is as simplified as I could make it while somewhat preserving the feeling of the music.
The sheet music offered here is for “Little Do You Know” by Alex & Sierra (or is it “Alex and Sierra”? I seriously cannot tell.).